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Mobivia Use cases

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  1. 01

    Vehicle and Customer profile


    The buyer wants to know its end customer, if he owns a particular product, or what products he owns from Mobivia (Norauto, Atu, Carter Cash…). He would also like to know what type of vehicle his products are most often associated with.


    The buyer wants to know its end customer, if he owns a particular product, or what products he owns from Mobivia (Norauto, Atu, Carter Cash…). He would also like to know what type of vehicle his products are most often associated with.


    The buyer wants to know its end customer, if he owns a particular product, or what products he owns from Mobivia (Norauto, Atu, Carter Cash…). He would also like to know what type of vehicle his products are most often associated with.

  2. 02

    Market Share


    The acquirer wants to position itself on the European market (Mobivia brands are present in 18 countries). He would like to have better visibility and key information about his products/services according to the countries.


    Propose a market share of the brand vs a panel. This analysis can be done on several countries, by country or by region. With an annual subscription, the client can either receive the file at the end of the year or receive it month after month.


    The buyer can know exactly in which region their products are selling best. The data helps him to better understand the reasons for a better performance in this or that location. As the market share can be done on a different scale, he can compare his positioning between several countries.
    The company can adapt its strategy according to the location and refine the allocation of its resources and the marketing of its products/services. The market share allows to know the market trends and to check if its own products correspond to this global market trend.

  3. 03

    Determine vehicle maintenance costs and wear rates


    An insurance company would like to know what type of vehicle/brand has the most problems in terms of repair and maintenance.


    Based on a multi-criteria approach (construction, use, road conditions…), we provide a turnkey and detailed report that allows to know the wear rates and associated costs of a vehicle, to understand the origin of the problems…


    The insurer will be able to use its data to get closer to the real needs of consumers and respond to targeted issues

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